Join the Greater Port Clinton Area Arts Council at the Catawba Island Club this Wednesday March 9, 2022 from 5:30-7pm for The Music of Wine" with Michael Shirtz.
The cost is $65 per person. Price includes wine tastings paired with musical selections and a personal fresh fruit and cheese plate.
Reservations can be made with a credit card (for non-members of CIC) by calling the Catawba Island Club at (419)-797-4424.
We often think of wine in musical terms and in fact many of those terms have found their way into our everyday wine speak. Words such as tones, base notes, deep, high, airy, and rich.
What is this relationship between music and wine? Can music truly impact our wine experience?
Studies now show that sipping a wine that complements the music can do the same as a happy wine-and-food match. It can improve both sides of the equation!
Let Michael Shirtz lead you through dive blind wine tastings paired with live musical selections as we explore the unique relationship between music and wine.
The Catawba Island Club has extended this invitation to Greater Port Clinton Area Arts Council members to join them in this unique experience.