Current & Upcoming Events
Snow Flurries Regatta Poster Sale
This year's poster is for sale for $15. GPCAAC keeps all of the proceeds from the sale of the poster. Simply place your order here and we'll send you an email when your poster is ready for pickup at TAG.
Thank you in advance for your help!
Christmas at TAG
Volunteers Needed
Early in the formation of TAG (The Arts Garage) We sent out a survey. One of the questions was “Would you be willing to donate your time, treasure, or talent?" And you responded you would be willing to volunteer your time or talent. So now we are asking for your help.
We are opening a Christkindlmarkt or a market featuring Christmas décor, ornaments and a few Christmas trees on NOVEMBER 1st. It will be a beautiful Christmas market. During the market, we will hold workshops like build a gingerbread house, cookie decorating, decorate a wreath and other fun events.
To make this work, we need your help:
Opportunities for volunteers are; assisting in workshops, help setting up the market, decorating the TAG building, helping in the market and many more! You can volunteer for a few hours or multiple hours! We will have something for you to do!
Here are the dates times for our volunteer informational meetings:
Thurs., Sept. 30 at 6 pm/TAG
Wed., Oct. 6 at 1 pm/TAG
Wed., Oct 6 at 6pm/TAG
The meeting will be held at the TAG building, 317 W. Perry St.
We will layout our plans and the volunteer opportunities – please attend one of the three meetings, which best fits your schedule.
Our mission is to raise funds and awareness of The Arts Garage (TAG) and we believe it will be a plus for Ottawa County over the Christmas season.
It will be fun and make some new friends!! We look forward to seeing you at one of these meetings. No reservation required just show up at the TAG building, 317 W. Perry St.