Weekly Look-Ahead
August 28-Sept. 30, 2023
School is back in session and the seasons are changing but one thing hasn’t changed: We’ve got plenty going on at The Arts Garage this September, so sign up for a class today!
Here’s an overview on all of our great classes and events happening in the next month:
Tuesday August 29, 2023 – 6-8:30pm - Photo Images on Pottery with Maggie Beckford. $40 per person, adults only. Sign up at www.gpcaac.org under “Classes” tab.
Wednesday August 30 – 6-8:30pm- Glazes and Glazing Techniques with Maggie Beckford. $40 per person, adults only. Sign up on www.gpcaac.org under “Classes” tab.
Saturday September 2 – 10am-Noon - Kids Watercolor Painting with Diane Chaplin. FREE for Ottawa County students. RSVP on the “Classes” page on www.gpcaac.org.
Tuesday Sept. 5 – 6-8pm – Adult Drawing Class with Diane Chaplin. Cost is $25 per person, adults only. Sign up on www.gpcaac.org under “Classes” tab.
Thursday Sept. 7 – 6-8pm – Life Drawing with Keith Fleming. All skill levels welcome! Cost is $5 per person, paid at class. No registration required.
Friday Sept. 8 – 10am- Noon – Pottery: Witches Hat Luminaries with Jeanette Oleksa and Lori Hughes. You will build and glaze your own witch hat luminaria! Cost is $40 per person, adults only. Sign up on www.gpcaac.org under “Classes” tab.
Saturday Sept. 9 – 10am-Noon – Kids Pottery: Halloween Cut-Out Tray with Jeanette Oleksa and Lori Hughes. Pre-made trinket trays for kids to paint and glaze! Cost is FREE for Ottawa County students, $25 for non-residents. Sign up at www.gpcaac.org under “Classes” tab.
Thursday Sept. 14 – 10am- Noon – Life Drawing with Keith Fleming. All skill levels welcome! Cost is $5 per person, paid at class. No registration required.
Saturday Sept. 16 – 5-9pm – GPCAAC Annual Appetite for the Arts Fundraiser “Off the Wall.” Food, Art, Live Battle of the Artists, Art Auction. Not to be missed! Tickets are $50 per person, can be purchased on the GPCAAC website at www.gpcaac.org on the “Off the Wall Fundraiser” tab.
Later in the month…
Monday Sept. 18 – 6-8:30pm- Ladies Night Pottery: Wine Coolers of Charcuterie Board with Jeanette Oleksa and Lori Hughes. Pre-made wine coolers for you to paint or glaze or slabbed charcuterie boards for you to cut, carve and underglaze! Cost is $45 per person, adults only. Sign up at www.gpcaac.org under “Classes” tab.
Thursday Sept. 21 – 6-8pm – Writer’s Circle. Join local writers to discuss your works, all writing styles are welcome. No cost.
Friday Sept. 22 – 2-4pm – Pinch Pots: Ghost, Pumpkin with Jeanette Oleksa and Lori Hughes. Make your own spooky (or cute!) ghost or pumpkin! Cost is $40 per person, adults only. Sign up at www.gpcaac.org under “Classes” tab.
Saturday Sept. 23 – 10-11:30am– Doodles with Alice Holly. Cost is $25 per adult, FREE for Ottawa County students. Sign up at www.gpcaac.org under “Classes” tab.
Saturday Sept. 23 – 1:30-3pm – Beach Glass Art Class with Debbie Prue. “Coo Coo Birds” theme. Cost is $35 per person. Sign up at www.gpcaac.org under “Classes” tab.
Saturday Sept. 23 – 6-8pm – Opening Reception for Kathie Widing and Stephanie Mortus exhibits. Come check out these beautiful works by TAG artists. FREE to attend, all are welcome.
Monday Sept. 25 – 10am-Noon- Pottery: Leaf Tray or Bowl with Jeanette Oleksa and Lori Hughes. Make your own leaf bowl or tray, using pre-rolled slabs! Cost is $40 per person, adults only. Sign up on www.gpcaac.org under “Classes” tab.
Tuesday Sept. 26 – 6-8pm – Create Not Copy Drawing Class for Adults with Diane Chaplin. Cost is $25 per person. Sign up on www.gpcaac.org under “Classes” tab.
Saturday Sept. 30 – 10am-Noon – Kids Outer Space Gallery with Diane Chaplin. FREE for Ottawa County students, RSVP on the www.gpcaac.org under “Classes” tab.
Saturday Sept. 30 – 1:30-3:30pm – Doodles with Alice Holly. Cost is $25 per adult, FREE to Ottawa County students. Sign up at www.gpcaac.org under “Classes” tab.
Also don’t forget to stop out to TAG to see our exhibits!
This week marks the end of the Ottawa County Jr. Fair Art Show exhibit and the end of the Toledo Area Sculptors Guild’s “GUILDing the LILY” exhibit inside and out. Together there are more than 260 pieces on display and we would love to see you come check them out!
The Arts Garage, home of the Greater Port Clinton Area Arts Council, is located in the city’s old maintenance garage at 317 W. Perry Street in Port Clinton.
Hours are seven days a week, from 11am until 4pm, by appointment or by chance!
For more information about the GPCAAC, visit www.gpcaac.org.